
2021- 07- 02

刘苗,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。毕业于中国科学院大学生态学专业,主要研究方向是高寒草地退化与恢复,主持及参加科研项目近10项,已发表文章40余篇,中办批示咨询报告1份。担任Frontiers in Environmental Science编委,《草业科学》责任编委,Science of the Total Environment, Geography and Sustainability 及 Land Degradation & Development等期刊审稿人。曾获第九届景观生态青年人才等奖项, 与日本鸟取大学和美国罗格斯大学开展合作研究,主讲研究生课程生物多样性保护等。


1. Miao Liu, et al. Shift from nurse effect to competition with increasing canopy of Salix cupularis in a desertified alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Catena, 195 (2020) 104757

2. Miao Liu, et al.The highest restoring efficiency of short-term grazing exclusion appears at shifting stage from light to moderate degradation at Zoige, Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Indicators, 114 (2020) 106323

3. Miao Liu, et al. Mutual feedback between above-and below-ground controls the restoration of alpine ecosystem multifunctionality in long-term grazing exclusion. Journal of Cleaner Production, 333 (2022) 130184

4. Miao Liu, et al. Spatial pattern changes of biomass, litterfall and coverage with environmental factors across temperate grassland subjected to various management practices. Landscape Ecology, 2014, 29(201):1572-9761. 

5. Miao Liu#, et al. Reconsidering the efficiency of grazing exclusion with fences across Tibetan Plateau. Science Bulletin, 2020, 65(16):1405-1414


