College of Grassland Science and TechnologyCollege of Grassland Science and Technology

Asso Prof. Deng WANG

Deng Wang, Associate professor

College of Grassland Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing, 100193

Phone: +86-13810707202

E-mail:, or



2004-2007  Doctor of Science in Agriculture, China Agricultural University. Beijing, China.

2001-2004  MAgric. China Agricultural University. Beijing, China.

1994-1998  BSc, Anhui Normal University. Wuhu, Anhui Province, China.


Research Experience

2015.1- present   Associate Professor, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China.

2014.1-2014.12   Visit scholar in the lab of Associate professor Hans Michael Kohn, Dept of Ecology & Evolutionary, Rice University.

2012.1-2013.12   Associate Professor, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China.

2007.7-2011.12   Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China.



(A) Publications

1.      Xi Ma, Brian Hopkins, Xincheng Gao, Zhiyong Feng, Deng Wang*. (2019). Specific toxicity in six rodent species from China of a new modified norbormide,  New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 46(4):275-284.

2.      Ke Li, Michael H. Kohn, Songmei Zhang, Xinrong Wan, Dazhao Shi, Deng Wang*. (2017). The colonization and divergence patterns of Brandt’s vole (Lasiopodomys brandtii) populations reveal evidence of genetic surfing. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 17(1): 145-162.

3.      Deng Wang*, Quanxi Li, Ke Li, Yongwang Guo (2017). Modified trap barrier system for the management of rodents in maize fields in Jilin Province, China. Crop Protection, 98, 172-178.

4.      Quansheng Liu, Jiao Qin, Qin Chen, Deng Wang, Dazhao Shi. (2013). Fertility control of Rattus nitidus using quinestrol: effects on reproductive organs and social behavior. Integrative Zoology, Sl: 9–17.

5.      Wei Shen, Dazhao Shi, Deng Wang, Yongwang Guo. (2012) Inhibitive effects of quinestrol on male reproductive system in Mongolian gerbils(Meriones unguiculatus). Research in Veterinary Science. 93(2):907-913.

6.      Wei Shen, Dazhao Shi, Deng Wang, Yongwang Guo, Shuzhen Hai, Zhou Yue. (2011) Quinestrol treatment induced testicular damage via oxidative stress in male Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) Experimental Animals. 60(5): 445-453.

7.      Deng Wang, Yongwang Guo, Dazhao Shi. (2011) Antifertility effects of crude ethanol extracts of Tripterygium hypoglaucum (Levl.) Hutch in male Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus).Journal of Applied Animal Research. 39(1):44-48.

8.      Deng Wang, Yongwang Guo, Dazhao Shi. (2011) Genetic structure of Brandt’s vole (Lasiopodomys brandtii) populations in Inner Mongolia, China based on microsatellite analysis. Conservation Genetics. 12(3):659-667.

9.      Yan Sun, Pengfei Liu, Deng Wang, Jianqiang Li, Yongsong Cao. (2009). Determination of Amitrole in Environmental Water Samples with Precolumn Derivatization by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57(11): 4540-4544.

10.  Deng Wang & Dazhao Shi. (2007) Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci from Brandt’s voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii ). Molecular Ecology Notes, 7:671-673.


(B) Book Chapters

Yongwang Guo & Deng Wang, 2018. Rodent management methods. China Agricultural Press. Beijing.pp:1-291.

Grant and fellowships

(1)Research title: “Rodent sustainable management technologies in   China”

Principal outcome: Modified the rectangle Trap barrier system into linear TBS (L-TBS) for   rodent control in maize fields of Northeastern China.

Principal end-user and contact: Ministry of Agriculture of the PRC.


(2)Research title: Competition and reproduction disturbance mechanisms of sterilization in Brandt's vole population.

Principal outcome: The results demonstrated the ecological theory of fertility control in population level, and advanced the infertility control in the field practice.

Principal end-user and contact: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31371955).


(3)Research title: Seasonal dynamics of genetic diversity in Brandt’s voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii ) populations

Principal outcome: Polygamous system in Brandt’s voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii ) facilitated the stabilization of genetic diversity and effectively counteracted the genetic drift caused by conspicuous seasonal population fluctuations.

Principal end-user and contact: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30800727).


(4) Research title: Early warning and sustainable management of rodent pests

Principal outcome: Develop an empirical model to understand how population dynamics are influenced quantificationally by rain, temperature, and cropping area covered by rice, vegetables and fruit trees. Then develop mouse forecast model to predict population outbreaks six months before they occur.

Principal end-user and contact: Ministry of Science and Technology of the PRC. International Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China (No. 2014DFG31760).


Teaching Experience

Rodent management

Experiments of Plant Quarantine

Experiments of Molecular Biology
