Yuping Rong, Professor
College of Grassland Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing, 100193
Phone: +86-10-62733409; +86-13263162097
E-mail: rongyuping@cau.edu.cn, or rongyupingcau@163.com
1997-2000: PhD., China Agricultural University, Beijing
Major: Rangeland ecology
Dissertation: Studies on restorations and sustainable utilization of Russian Wildrye (Psathyrostachys juncea) Pasture in the agro-pastoral transitional zone of North China
1992-1995: M.A. (Agronomy), Graduate Institute of CAAS (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences), Beijing
Major: Range Science
Dissertation: The effects of different grazing intensities on the beef cattle performances and biodiversity of the prairie in Kerqin area of Inner Mongolia
1988-1992: B.S. (Agronomy), Inner Mongolia Agricultural and Husbandry College, Huhot, Inner Mongolia
Major: Grassland and rangeland Science
Dissertation: The evaluation of variety germplasm of Melilotoides ruthenica (Medicago ruthenica)
Research Experience
Research Field
Grazing ecology and management, Grassland resources evaluation, Forage and germplasm resources
1995-1997: Grassland research institute, CAAS (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences); Assistant researcher
Do some research works about the evaluation of forage resources between China and U.S. at different trial station in Inner Mongolia. Analyze data with statistic software and establish the database of forage resources.
Attend some foreign affairs of the Institute and being an interpreter when the foreign expert gave the lecture.
Investigate the wild animal environment at the arid and semi-arid area of Inner Mongolia with the US wild animal researcher in 1996. Be responsible for the analysis of vegetation and identify the plant sample.
Attend the project of dynamic monitoring of the grassland resource in Inner Mongolia, be responsible for the landscape survey and data collect.
2000-2016: China agricultural university, Associate professor
2016-present: China agricultural university, Professor
Teach rangeland resources survey and layout to the college students.
Teach rangeland resources to the postgraduate students.
Teach the professional English to the college students.
Do fields work of the grazing ecology in the growing season in the research station at Heibei Province and Inner Mongolia.
Do the researches of the reestablishment and restoration of the grazing pasture at the semi-arid area in north China.
Be responsibility for the project of studying on the alfalfa planting system in Heibei province.
Attend the project of germplasm collection, evaluation, conservation and utilization of Tibetan Plateau (Mainly in Qing hai province).
Attend the project of degradation mechanism research of Bang da rangeland in Tibetan plateau
2004.05-2004.11: USDA-ARS-Plant Introduction Station/Washington State University, Research native plant germplasm.
2014.05-2015.05: South Dakota State University, Department of Natural Resources Management/USDA-FS- Rocky Mountain Research Station, Research ecologist for grassland.
(A) Publications
1. Xiao H., Yang H., Monaco T., Song Q., Rong Y. 2020. Modeling the influence of temperature and water potential on seed germination of Allium tenuissimum L. PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.8866.
2. Ma L., Yang H., Pan Z., Rong Y. 2020. In situ measurements and meta-analysis reveal that land-use changes combined with low nitrogen application promote methane uptake by temperate grasslands in China. 706, 136048.
3. Ma L., Zhong M., Zhu Y., Yang H., Johnson D.A., Rong Y. Annual methane budgets of sheep grazing systems were regulated by grazing intensities in the temperate continental steppe: A two-year case study. Atmospheric Environment, 2018,174, 66–75.
4. Rong Y., Johnson D. A., Wang Zh., Zhu L. Grazing effects on ecosystem CO2 fluxes regulated by interannual climate fluctuation in a temperate grassland steppe in northern China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2017, 237, 194–202.
5. Pan Z., Johnson D.A., Rong Y. Non-growing season soil CO2 efflux patterns in five land-use types in northern China. Atmospheric Environment, 2016,144, 160–167.
6. Ott J. P., Butler J. L., Rong Y., Xu L. Greater bud outgrowth of Bromus inermis than Pascopyrum smithii under multiple environmental conditions. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2016, 7, 1–10. doi:10.1093/jpe/rtw045.
7. Pan Z,Wei W,Ma L,Rong Y. Effects of various stocking rates on grassland soil respiration during the non-growing season. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2016. 10.1016/j.chnaes.2016.09.004
8. Zhu L., Johnson D.A., Wang W., Ma L., Rong Y. Grazing effects on carbon fluxes in a Northern China grassland. J. of arid environment, 2015, 114, 41-48.
9. Rong Y., Ma L., Johnson, D. A. Methane uptake by four land-use types in the agro-pastoral region of northern China. Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 116, 12-21.
10. Rong Y., Ma L., Johnson, D. A. Soil respiration patterns for four major land-use types of the agro-pastoral region of northern China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2015, 213, 142-150.
11. Ma L., Yuan F. Liang H., Rong Y*. The effects of grazing management strategies on the vegetation, diet quality, intake and performance of free grazing sheep. Livestock Science, 161, 185-192.
12. Rong Y., Yuan F., Ma L. Effectiveness of exclosures for restoring soils and vegetation degraded by overgrazing in the Junggar Basin, China. Grassland Science, 2014,60,118-124.
13. Rong Y., Yuan F., Johnson D.A., Addition of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) to lamb diets enhances production and profits in northern China. Livestock research for rural development, 2014, 26(12): 224
14. Rong Y., Li H., Johnson D.A. Germination response of Apocynum venetum seeds to temperature and water potential. Journal of applied botany and food quality, 2015, 88:1-8.
15. Rong Yu-ping, Cao Zhe, Zhu Ling-ling, Zhao Min, Zhang Yong-juan and Bai Ke-yu. Genetic variation patterns of Medicago ruthenica populations from Northern China. African Journal of Biotechnology 2012, 11, 6011-6017.
16. Zhang Y., Han R., Rong Y. Pysiological and biochemical characteristics of Apocynum venetum seeds in the process of artificial aging. Pratacultural Sci. 2011, 28(12): 2130-2135.
17. Yuan Y., Rong Y. Effects of burning and raking on soil properties of steppe. Pratacultural Sci. 2011, 28(10): 1770-1776.
18. Zhao N., Zhao X., Rong Yuping. Adaptability Evaluation of Different Avena sativa Varieties in Bashang,Hebei Province. ACTA AGRESTIA SINICA. 2009, 17(1):68-73.
19. Chen P., Rong Y., Han J. Evaluation of Fermentation Character of Alfalfa Silage Through Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy(NIRS). 2008, 28(12):2799-2803.
20. Zhao Xiu-fang, LI Wei-jian, Huang Wei, Cao Zhe, Rong Yu-ping. Near infrared determination of dry hay quality in Oats. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2008, 28(9):2094-2097.
21. Cao Z., Gu A., Zhao L., Liu H., Rong Y. Genetic variation of allozymes in Medicago ruthenica. Acta Bot. Boreal.-Occident. Sin. 2008. vol.28(10):2005-2010.
22. Zhao N., Zhao L., Liu M., Rong Y. Study on seed germination characteristics of Pasthrostachys juncea with different ploidy. Seed, 2008, vol.27(9):26-33.
23. Chen Peng-fei, Rong Yu-ping. Evaluation of fresh sample of alfalfa silage through near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2007,vol.27(7):1304-1307.
24. Rong Y., Bai K., Zhang Z. The developing path ofUSlegislative regulation of rangeland management. Acta Prataculturae Sinica. 2007, vol.16(5):133-139
25. Zhao X., Rong Y. The collection and evaluation of oat (Avena sativa) in china. Pratacultural Science. 2007, vol.24(3):36-40.
26. Chen P., Rong Y. Determination of moisture in alfalfa by microwave oven. Chinese Journal of grassland. 2006, vol.28 (3):53-55.
27. Chen P., Rong Y. The utiliaztion of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy(NIRS) to prodict the forage quality. Chinese feed, 2006. vol.20(9):33-38
(B) Book Chapters
1. Yuping Rong, Edit in Forage production and utilization. Edit, 2002, Published by China Chemistry Industry INC. Beijing.
2. Yuping Rong, Edit in Principles and Technologies of Sustainable utilization of Grassland Resources, Editor in Chief, 2004, Published by China Chemistry Industry INC. Beijing.
3. Yuping Rong, Edit in Remote Monitoring Technology of grassland. Editor in chief. 2005. China Chemistry Industry INC. Beijing.
4. Yuping Rong, Managing Biodiversity in Agricultural Ecosystems. Interpreted Book. China Agricultural Science and Technology Press. 2011.
5. Yuping Rong edit in Descriptors and Data Standard for Russian Wildrye [Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.) Nevski]. China Agriculture Press Co., Ltd.2011.
Grant and fellowships
Awards by Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Education and Qing Hai province for the work of grassland management.